We have had a rash of preterm labor mamas coming in at 30-33 weeks contracting, and with cervixes making ominous changes, in all cases malaria was the preceding event, all of the women were febrile, all the babies were tachy and I learned very fast how to start women on IV mag. sulphate, monitor for toxicity and have the calcium gluconate standing by. Have also administered malaria meds, beaucoup antibiotics and the occasional indomethacin suppository to try to arrest their labors as well as the standard steroid therapy to oomph up tiny fetal lungs (all things I will never do when I get home!!). All of the women have now been discharged and we all keep our fingers crossed that they come back in active labor at 37-42 weeks or thereabouts.
We've also had a rash of babies readmitted for feeding issues and weight loss accompanied in a few cases with some pretty spectacular neonatal jaundice as well. Have spent much time teaching teen moms (16, 17ish) to hand express, cup feed and then latch babies as they improve and are less lethargic. Can now officially say I've seen some babies with "oh my God" jaundice and some TTNB. Conspired with the neonatal nurse to "Rescue" a baby from the nursery and return him to his mama for some serious skin to skin and breastfeeding action. RR fell from 110 to 80 within 30 minutes. Felt good about that.
Hemorrhage mama will go home tomorrow after recovering well. At 23 (and the mother of 4 children) she is now in abrupt menopause and her Hemoglobin this morning was a measley 5.9 after 7 units of (still-warm med student) blood. Med Students incidentally, are feeling very noble. There's little doubt that their donations saved her life. No signs of Sheehan's Syndrome which was my next concern - her breasts are full of milk and her baby is growing apace.
The twins went home on Day 2 of life, nursing and growing like little weeds. Vertex twin #1 is on the right, his footling breech brother is on the left.
So it goes somewhere south of the equator...
I admit to having some mad respect over here. That's....important work.
update! update! update!... :) :) :) (chanting from the stands...)
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